Access and Usage Agreement

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Terms and Conditions for Access and Usage of


FemFightersXcess (hereafter “FFX, “we”, “us” or “our”) operates the website (hereafter “FemFightersXcess” or the “Website”).

“Content” refers to text, photographs, images, graphics and video clips, available freely or for purchase, whether electronically downloaded (hereafter “digital files”), or distributed on physical media (hereafter “DVDs”). FFX is the sole creator and copyright holder of record for all Content provided via this Website, unless otherwise noted

Persons using or purchasing from this website (hereafter the “User”, the “Customer”, the “Purchaser”, “you” or “your”, ): Please read this usage agreement carefully. Your access to, use of, or purchase from our Website signifies that you have read, understand and agree to all terms within this usage agreement. If you do not agree with any part of this agreement or our terms, please do not access or continue to use our Website or make any purchase within.

Purchases, Ownership of Content

All copyright on Our Content is retained by FFX. Users of FemFightersXcess and Purchasers of Our Content are granted individual usage rights subject to the terms of this Access and Usage Agreement.  No right of copyright ownership is granted to any User or Purchaser.

Content Obtained from Third Parties

  • Lawfully Acquired Content. Certain third party websites and businesses may be authorized by FFX to resell or redistribute Our Content, either in whole or in part. Content purchased or otherwise acquired from authorized sources shall be considered subject to all terms of this Access and Usage Agreement.
  • Unlawfully Acquired Content. FFX acknowledges that there are numerous sources from which digital and physical content can be obtained without Our approval or authorization. This acknowledgement does not constitute waiver of any copyright, and no license or permission is granted for the acquisition or use of Our Content from any unauthorized source. For purposes of copyright enforcement, any use of Content obtained from a third party without FFX’s authorization will be presumed subject to the terms of this Agreement. This presumption does not constitute a waiver of Our rights of copyright enforcement.

FFX shall have sole discretion in determining the authority of any third party found to distribute Our Content. Questions regarding that authority should be directed to FFX here.

Transfer of Ownership

Presuming the original Purchaser has not made copies, lawfully acquired DVDs may be re-sold. All usage rights shall pass from the original purchaser to the subsequent purchaser at time of sale. Copies of DVDs may not be made, sold or otherwise redistributed at any time.

Since destruction of copies of digital files cannot be reasonably verified, no rights are granted for sale or transfer of ownership for digital files. Files so acquired shall be presumed subject to all terms of this agreement. This presumption does not constitute a waiver of Our rights of copyright enforcement.

Usage Rights and Sharing

Content obtained from this Website (or “Content Obtained from Third Parties”, preceding), whether digital files or DVDs, is for the express private use of the Purchaser and is limited to use on personal viewing equipment (such as computers or televisions) owned by the Purchaser, within the Purchaser’s place of residence or other private locale. No right of public presentation before an audience is implied or granted, and no fee may be charged for viewing.

Content may not be redistributed or shared with any third party via any means, including but not limited to:

  • E-mailed links provided at time of purchase
  • Websites, including content redistribution websites such as Clips4Sale, Pornhub, Xhamster
  • File sharing or peer-to-peer networks and services
  • Online forums, chat rooms and bulletin boards

Certain content may be made available for viewing or purchase through authorized third parties by FFX and shall be subject to all terms and conditions of this agreement.

Restricted Access, Minors

This Website and all Content created and distributed by FFX is solely for the use of adult customers. Under no circumstances should this content be made available to, accessed by, or displayed for anyone under the age of 18 (or the applicable age of majority in the jurisdiction in which the purchaser resides). The Customer is solely responsible for the security of any and all passwords,  systems and devices used to access, display or keep purchased content, and agrees to take all necessary precautions to prevent minors from having access to equipment which may be used to view Our Content.

FFX assumes no responsibility for any improper or unlawful use of Content when it is accessed by or in possession of an adult User. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information regarding use of the Website and Content by minors.

Loss or Damage, and Replacement of Purchases

We make no warranty regarding long-term storage or use of our content. All Customers are advised to maintain copies of all original purchase receipts to document purchase of specific titles.

Keeping Digital Files

The Purchaser is solely responsible for securely storing digital files to prevent loss. Customers are advised to keep backup copies of all purchase content on a separate secure hard drive or cloud storage. Any redistribution of digital files to any third party in any form is prohibited and will be considered a violation of FFX’s Access and Usage policies.

Content Replacement

FFX makes no warranty regarding the replacement of content because of mishandling, damage, theft or loss resulting from the actions of the purchaser. In the event of damage or loss, Customers seeking replacement copies of digital files should contact FFX by e-mail at Customers should be prepared to provide the title and/or sku for each replacement requested, as well as copies of original purchase receipts showing the corresponding title/sku. All returns/replacements are at our discretion, and subject to availability.

Enforcement of Law and Statute

When notified, FFX will assist or comply with any investigation of alleged violations of applicable laws or statutes by recognized, authorized law enforcement agencies.


Customers are expected to understand and abide by all terms of this Access and Usage Agreement. Failure to adhere to any portion of this Agreement, in whole or in part, shall be considered abuse on the part of the Customer, and may result in loss of access to purchased content, restriction from further purchases, denial of replacement for lost or damaged content, and other penalties as allowed by statute in the applicable region of jurisdiction. In instances of unauthorized resale or redistribution of Our Content, FFX may also seek monetary compensation for loss of revenue.


Questions or concerns regarding this agreement may be submitted here.

Correspondence may also be mailed to FFX at 5419 Hollywood Blvd. #C190; Los Angeles, CA 90027 USA

Last updated: 7/18/2024